Molly Schoneveld Molly Schoneveld


“Take care of the people, the products, and the profits. In that order.” -The Hard Thing About Hard Things

Well, here we are—six weeks since I last wrote a newsletter, never once thinking I would still be typing to you from my home "office," a nook in my kitchen that was a big point of contention when we remodeled. (Do we spring for the expensive French doors that open up from my desk onto the patio?) I've never been more thankful my husband relented.

The media has moved from stories about Zoom meetings and how businesses are being immediately impacted to how our country will begin to reopen and what our new normal will look like. You're seeing stories about businesses not ever going back to an office and how hotels are starting to reopen and what the Emmys could look like this year.

Last night, my husband told me that someone he manages at his company mentioned how stressed out they were. It didn't even occur to him that someone not in a management position could feel stressed out right now. That small interaction gave him a completely different perspective on how he is managing the team.

This morning, my client who has had to make some really tough decisions about employees called to say, "Hey, I wanted you to hear my voice and tell you about some of our upcoming plans AND to say that as long as I run this company, you will be part of our team." That call meant everything to me. To quote Carrie Bradshaw, "This is not an economy of which to be whipped cream."

Both of these stories prompted the topic of this newsletter: Communication. I also happen to have a degree in it! Of course it includes how you communicate with your employees or those you manage, but I am also urging you to remember those who aren't full time employees: clients, freelancers, and even "fans" who follow you on social media.

Not everyone is in a position to keep employees. That is the harsh reality. But everyone is in a position to have clear and frequent communication, compassion, and transparency with the people who help you in business. People will remember how you made them feel. Make sure you come out looking like the hero.

We are still here for you from afar,

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Molly Schoneveld Molly Schoneveld

PR in the Time of Corona.

Hi, friends. How are you holding up?

We here at The Storied Group seem to have found our stride WFH and are so grateful that our business allows for a  easy transition. We've kept each other sane by encouraging daily walks, sharing funny memes, and continuning the usual celebrity gossip over a virtual watercolor in our Slack channel.  We highly recommend the free Gray Malin Virtual Zoom backgrounds that will take you to far off lands without ever having to leave home.

Over the last two weeks, our main goal has been to learn as much as we can about how the media is pivoting so that we can best serve you right now. If you missed my IGTV about that, here is a link

The biggest thing to know is point number one below—the media is still taking pitches. They may be doing interviews via Skype and publishing magazines from their living rooms, but there is still an opportunity for press. 

Below are a few things we have learned these past few weeks that I think are important for you to know. Please don't hestitate to ask if you have specific questions.

We are here for you from afar,

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Molly Schoneveld Molly Schoneveld

Modern Marketing.

Seth Godin, one of the best minds we have today in the field of marketing, is notorious for saying that modern marketing boils down to the stories we tell, and the defining belief that, “People like us do things like this.” What that means is that you create impact through empathy and telling true stories that resonate.

PR (changing the story) and Publicity (getting earned media) is only a part of marketing, but in order to get the best results from them, it really helps to take a deep dive into figuring out who you seek to change, and then putting yourself into their shoes to understand their deepest desires. Only then can you solve problems for a specific group of people. 

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Molly Schoneveld Molly Schoneveld

Thought Leadership.

So here’s the thing—thought leadership is a buzz phrase that gets thrown around a lot these days, but for good reason.  As the marketing and public relations landscape evolves and the way consumers think, act, and buy changes in the digital age, brands must set themselves apart in ways that are more authentic and meaningful.  

A thought leader, as defined by Influence & CO’s CEO Kelsey Raymond in Forbes, is “an industry expert who shares his or her expertise with a broader audience for the purpose of education, improving, and adding value to the industry as a whole.”  Thought leadership positions a person or brand as an authority in their industry, while opening doors to new opportunities and building a more organic and loyal following.  Spanx founder Sarah Blakely and DryBar Founder Alli Webb are examples of thought leaders who get it right in our book, as they are accessible authorities in their space, who consistently lend their expertise in creative and powerful ways.  

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Molly Schoneveld Molly Schoneveld

The Future of Media in 2019.

No doubt the media landscape is quickly changing, but is print media dead? This writer doesn't think so. Every month it seems there is more news about beloved titles ending their run, so where do things stand?

We recently had the pleasure of attending a PR Net media panel here in LA, and the editors had a lot to say about the future of publishing. It's important that you understand what's happening, so that you can work with your publicist to clarify your media goals in the coming year. And if you want to see this on video, we did a recap on IG TV here.

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Molly Schoneveld Molly Schoneveld

5 Favorite Apps.

A decade ago, Apple coined the phrase “There’s an app for that,” with TV ads showcasing the breadth of apps available through their store—at that time there were 500. Today, there are 1.96 million apps on Apple’s App Store and 2.46 million on Android’s store. No matter what you’re trying to accomplish via your mobile device—whether it’s getting a date, getting a ride somewhere, managing your finances, ordering food, learning how to milk a cow, or going hunting for the paranormal—Apple’s adage has never rung more true: no really, for better or for worse, there’s an app for THAT. Here are some of the coolest apps that have proven to be uber-useful in our world of media and marketing.

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Molly Schoneveld Molly Schoneveld


In today’s world of ever-changing technology and endless content, information and news flies at us like rapid-fire. In order to cut through all the clutter and be heard amongst all the noise, your story needs to be more impactful than ever with several key factors that help determine whether it will be compelling to the media. Here’s a little “Journalism 101” based on some things everyone is taught in J-school about newsiness, plus what we know the press cares about based on our media pitching hustle over the years.

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Molly Schoneveld Molly Schoneveld

Influencer Partnerships.

Twenty-some years ago before social media existed, Cindy, Claudia, and Naomi were the go-to “influencers” of their time – commanding top dollar from the world’s most prominent brands for appearances and endorsement deals. Today, Rocky, Chiara, and Shea are a few of the influencer powerhouses who can move the needle for a brand with just a single sponsored mention or post. As the global number of internet users, online transactions, and social media subscribers continues to grow, brands are increasingly adopting the influencer marketing platform to enhance brand exposure, generate higher customer engagement, and ultimately raise their bottom lines. This month, Matt Kirschner, Partner and EVP at Talent Resources (a premier full-service celebrity/influencer and social media marketing agency), gives us the short story on influencer partnerships. Whether you are an influencer wanting better brand deals or a company wanting to work with influencers, these are the five things you need to know right now.

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Molly Schoneveld Molly Schoneveld


It feels like everywhere we turn lately someone is launching a podcast, and we're not mad about it. With stats showing that 51% of the US population has listened to one, podcasting has gone mainstream. They are an integral way to get news, spread brand awareness and, let's be honest, seriously binge on the latest true crime drama. For marketers, podcasts offer an intimate brand experience that provides a high share of voice, an engaged audience and uncluttered ad space. “Big things are happening in the podcast space,” Bruce Supovitz, Senior Vice President of national audio services at Nielsen Audio, said. “Revenues in the US are expected to hit over half a billion this year—a strong start for a medium that’s only a decade or so old and big companies are taking note.” Here are 5 things to know about podcasts right now:

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